In Glasgow, you will hear a wide variety of accents and dialects clashing in the streets of the city. In the spirit of comedian Stanley Baxter, here are some of the words and phrases you may encounter, along with their proper English translations
Glasgow banter is
pure dead brilliant
Literally, away you go, meaning “I do not believe you”
How are you doing? Alright? Not to be confused with "Awww, right," meaning "I now understand what you meant"
Very, very cold e.g. “It’s Baltic out”
Bampot (see also: Eejit, Heid Case, Nugget, Spanner)
Idiot (a derogatory term)
Humourous conversation between friends and strangers alike
A man's scrotum, or ball sack. Can be used as both a term of affection among friends (e.g. "Awrite ya bawbag") as well as an insult (e.g. "Whit you sayin' ya bawbag?")
Balls, as in a male scrotum (also see: Bawbag). Usually used as a negative denouncement of a situation e.g. "This is baws.”
Not a BMW, but rather, a blushing red face caused by embarrassment (e.g. "He's taking a beamer"
Belter (see also: Dancer)
Used as an exclamation of joy or positive result (e.g "Ya belter!" or “Ya dancer!”) Opposite of Baws
Bevvied Up / Blazin / Blootered / Blotto / Burst / Charred / Dunted / Gassed / Heavy Bongoed / Mad Wae It / Mingin' / Moolured / Pished / Reekin' / Rubbered / Steamboats / Steamin'
Just as the Inuit Eskimos have 97 words for snow, Glaswegians have many different words being intoxicated with alcohol
Big Man / Wee Man
Literally a large man or a small man, but commonly used as a friendly term regardless of the size of the subject (e.g. "Awrite Big Man," or "Hows's it goin' Wee Man?")
Boggin’ (see also: Clatty, Mauchit, Manky, Mingin')
Disgusting, dirty, filthy or foul (e.g. “That’s boggin’”)
Meaning good or pleasant, derived from the Old Scot’s word for “brave”
A tonic wine made by monks in Devon, popular among Neds. Has to be tasted to be believed
(see also: Boggin’).
By the way, usually used to introduce a new topic of conversation, or at the end of a sentence to emphasise a point, e.g. “This beer is phenomenal bytheway!”
Not a voucher, but rather a slang term for someone’s face (e.g "Wipe that smile from yer coupon")
Crabbit (see also: Dour)
Dis / Dis'nae
Does / Does not (not be confused with the animation company Disney)
Dobber (see also: Walopper)
A penis. Again, it can be used as both a term of affection among friends (e.g. "Awrite ya dobber") as well as an insult (e.g. "Whit you sayin' ya dobber?")
Slang word for “from” (e.g. “Where ye fae?”)
Amazing or self-confident (e.g. “He thinks he’s pure gallus!”)
Gaun Yersel
Translated as “Go on yourself,” a motivational cry to go it alone, normally heard at football matches when the striker has the ball and space to move forward
An amalgamation of "Give me a..." (e.g. "Geesa kiss")
Not to be confused with the similarly sounding London cockney word "geezer"
Talking nonsense
Fizzy juice (e.g. "A bottle of ginger")
Glasgow Kiss
An affectionate name for a head-butt
To cry
Hackit (see also: Mingin')
Nothing (e.g. “I won hee-haw last night”)
Honkin (see also: Reekin')
Can refer to either a cheap type of cider or a vagrant person
Jimmy Riddle (see also: Slash)
Rhyming slang for “piddle,” meaning to urinate
Lash (see also: Randan, Raz)
To go on a drinking binge (e.g. "We were out on the lash")
Lorne sausage
Also known as square sausage
Lose the rag
To lose one’s temper
A negative term, usually to describe someone's level of skill (e.g. "He was mince" meaning "His performance was poor”)
Acronym for Non-Educated Delinquent. These troubled youths are often flocking around the streets in packs wearing baseballs caps and sickly bright tracksuits. The Scottish equivalent of the English Chav.
A pale skin colour, which, given the lack of sun, is what half of Glasgow’s population have. The other half have what is known as “tango-skin,” as like the drink they are bright orange for having spent too much time in one of the city’s numerous tanning salons.
Pure dead brilliant!
While it may seem a contradiction in terms, “pure” and “dead” are used in tandem to emphasise the word “brilliant” in a positive manner
Scoffed (see also: Wolfed)
To eat, usually quickly (e.g. “He scoffed it down”)
Rhyming slang, where “scooby” refers to Scooby-Doo i.e. clue. (e.g. “I don’t have a scooby” meaning “I do not have a clue”)
To slap or hit
Slabber (see also: Slaverin’)
To salivate over something
Smidge / Smidgeon
A small measurement or piece of something
Square Go
An evenly matched fight or duel, sometimes posed as a question (e.g. “Square go, pal?”)
To smash something or to drink very quickly (e.g. “I tanned that pint")
Teuchter (pronounced chook-ter)
Someone from Scotland but out with Glasgow, commonly used a derogatory term
Child (e.g. “Aw, that’s a cute wee wean”)
Um / Ur / Urnae
Am / Are / Are not
Wis / Wis’nae
Was / Was not
Short for Glaswegian, a native of Glasgow